
Showing posts with label maths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maths. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Basic Facts

Today for maths we got to do basic facts. What we did was do a challenge that Mr Wong set up. What we did was we got to do addition that goes up to 100, 5, 10 or 20 or we can do subtraction. What I really like about doing addition is we can think of different strategy to use that can help us alot.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Basic addition up to 100

Today we got to do maths. What we did was do a math task that Mr Wong created. What we also did was answer 10 question that go up to 100. What I really like about this addition game is it is really fun and challenging for some people.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Fraction Strategy DLO

Today we got to do maths. What we did was we got to create a DLO about how we used division and time table to solve fractions. What I did was explain how I solved the question and a example to go with it. What I really like about maths is we get to learn how to use one strategy to solve other strategy.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018


For maths I have been working a DLO that shows my understanding about decimal. What this DLO is about is how I worked out a problem by using decimals and addition. What I really like about my DLO is that it shows a clear understanding about my thinking for maths.

Thursday, 26 July 2018


For math we have been learning how to use algorithms by using our addition and place value. What we did we we answered question that involved us using our addition but also using are place value strategy. The question that we have created have been very challenging. As I have an word problem and a example with and explanation to show my understanding.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

9x time tables DLO

Today I got to create a DLO about the 9x times table. What I did was I explained how I solved a problem and got to write a problem form the 9x time tables. Next I wrote the 9 time table and than I did step by step how I solved the questions. What I really like about my DLO is that I got to show my understanding about my 9x time tables.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

E-ako Maths

Today I decide to do e-ako maths. What I did for e-ako maths was solve questions and try to get it right. What I did for this was problem solving. What I really like about e-ako maths is we get to do different types of solving, adding and more. What I did to solve this question is use my subtraction skills and count in twos.


Today I got to play transum. What I did on transum was play this game called Table Dash. As you can see I got them all correct and got to continue playing. The time table I have chosen was the 5 time table. What I really like about transum is you can play different fun games and it also challenges you. How you play this game is you have to answer the question before the lighting signs come and you will have to watch out because the lighting signs will be between each answer.

Hit The Button

Today I decide to play a game called Hit the button. What I did for hit the button was try and get all the answers right and try to get bigger than 30 for my score. What I really like about hit the button is you get to learn more things and practice more on your maths.

Measuring Angles Using A Protractor

Today we got to do our maths DLO on angles and a protractor. What we did for this DLO is learn about different types of angles and she the degrees. E.g a right angle is 90 degrees. What I have on this DLO is what I have learnt about digress and angles and I also put pictures on so you can see what those angles look like. What I really like about this DLO is I got to learn more about angles.

Pencil Code

Today we got to go on this site called pencil code. What we did for pencil code was we got to add different types of words like a puzzle game. When we solve it we come up with a shape and for me the shape was a square. What I really like about this is I got to try and solve it and look at different types of shapes. The reason why my maths group is doing this is because it will help us more on angles. 

Thursday, 5 April 2018

The Green Team and E-ako

Today we got to do blog post on what fun math games we played yesterday. What we did was we played on e-ako and did difference types of solving like addition or problem solving and more. What I did for e-ako maths was my addition than I decided to see how good my problem solving was. The next game I have chosen was a game called The green team. What I did on this game was I got to play on each level witch our the people. The level I have mostly played was the first level because it was about recycling and put objects in the right bin e.g apple peal in the compost bin. What I really like is that I got to challenge myself on different types of games and I got to have fun while playing maths games.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Place Vaule - Multiplication

Today I got to finish of my work on maths. My work is about multiplication and addition. What my group did was we got to get a question and write a maths story and also do a screencastify or explain how we did it and I decided to do an explanation. The question I have picked was 316x7 and than I used my Hundreds , Tens and ones from the place value and than I used addition at the end. The solving I fund really easy it the Tens colon because I knew the answer straight away. What I really like about this was I got to learn more about my time tables.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Place Value - Subtraction

Today I got to make a DLO on place value and subtraction. What I did was combined subtraction and place value. Next I got to make like a maths story to go with my problem solving. What I really like about this DLO is that I got to make a maths story and than solve it.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Place Value

Our learning yesterday was about how to use place value and also to make a DLO about place value and how to solve it. What Nickaela and I did was me and her mad a DLO how we solved a question using our placed value. What I really like about this was that we got to do place value again and we got to create a DLO as well.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Holiday Problems

Today we got to do this fun activity about Christmas and it is a holiday problem activity. What we got to do for this activity was we got to solve some fun problems. My favorite problem was the last question because I solve it very quickly and I think it was the best question to answer.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Fast Factors - 9 time tables

Today for maths we got to chose a game out of transum time tables , Countdown Challenge , Fun maths , Puzzle Challenges or e-ako. What I have chosen is Transum time tables and I have have chosen to do my 9 times table. What I liked about this maths challenge is that I got to learn more about my 9 times table.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Flextangle A4

Our focus for today was maths. What we did for maths was we got to make a Flextangle A4 or a Flextangle A3. I really liked this fun activity because we got to color one row a different color and the other row a different color as well. The thing I have learnt about this was how to make a Flextangle A4 and a Flextangle A3. 

Monday, 29 May 2017

Time Tables - Warm Up

Today we used the game Hit the button to help us recall our 4x answer quickly. The part I found hard was when I had to look for the question to the answer. I also find this fun because I got better at my four time tables.

Friday, 19 May 2017

Place Value DLO

Today I have done a place value DLO. I have been doing this DLO in Mrs Anderson group. We have been learning this for heaps of weeks. What I have done here is that I am  using My Time Tables and My Place Value.