I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Battle Ships.

Information report
Today I have been working on my writing and I had to do a information report about honey eaters.
Monday, 12 December 2016
Information report
today i have been working on my writing and doing an information report.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Explanations Frame
Today I have been doing my writing on Explanations frame and had to do a opening statement and information.
Inference sheet about the honey eater
My Li is to infer information sing clues and prior knowledge.
Today I have be searching and finding information about the honey eater I also had to work on this inference sheet and put information on the 2nd slide.
Today I have be searching and finding information about the honey eater I also had to work on this inference sheet and put information on the 2nd slide.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Ls1 Geometry
My Li is To investigate 2D and 3D shape and To understand flip,turn and slide.
Today I have been finding some items in this class we had to find the face,edges.
Today I have been finding some items in this class we had to find the face,edges.
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Maths week 8
and Map
My LI is TO understand units of measurement and to investigate units of measurement.
Today I have been working on an map and template I had to check how many mm,m,km and cm we had to see how many distance between panmure bridge school and Mount wellington.
My LI is TO understand units of measurement and to investigate units of measurement.
Today I have been working on an map and template I had to check how many mm,m,km and cm we had to see how many distance between panmure bridge school and Mount wellington.
Information reports Frame
My LI is To contrast and information report.
Today I have been doing my writing I had to make an information report about chrome books I also had to write an information report.
Today I have been doing my writing I had to make an information report about chrome books I also had to write an information report.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Writing Frame
My Li is To understand the purpose of an Information Report and To identify structure and language features of an information report.
Today I have bean working on this writing fram and I also was working by myself and had to writ some facts about me and this had to be an information.
Today I have bean working on this writing fram and I also was working by myself and had to writ some facts about me and this had to be an information.
My LI is To understand units of measurement and To investigate units of measurement.
Today I have been doing maths I have been going around the class and measuring 5 items and I had to find the mm,cm,m and km and we also so had to measure with a thumb ruler.
Today I have been doing maths I have been going around the class and measuring 5 items and I had to find the mm,cm,m and km and we also so had to measure with a thumb ruler.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Amelia Earhart
Biography and Link to inquiry
My LI is to make connections with texts and to research an aviator and write a biography using key word and summering skills.
Today I have been doing my reading and I have been working with Rachel,Freeman,Tiava,saunjan,Mariata and Jericho we had to work on a google doc and read an information report about Amelia Earhart
My LI is to make connections with texts and to research an aviator and write a biography using key word and summering skills.
Today I have been doing my reading and I have been working with Rachel,Freeman,Tiava,saunjan,Mariata and Jericho we had to work on a google doc and read an information report about Amelia Earhart
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Friday, 18 November 2016
Average Weather of Auckland
Today I have been working on my maths we had to do a drawing one and a graph on for the drawing one you will have to use a ruler and 3 pens (different colors)we also had to use are maths book we had to write the tittle and two labels then we had to write the numbers on the slide and write the mouths down bottom the we had to draw dots and add them together with the pens different color.
For the bar graph we had to write the tittle and labels and put it on the side and then we put the numbers on the other side 32 to 0 and write the moths down then we had to put the red dots together and the orange dots together and the blue dots together.and I also worked with Nazanin.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
My Li is To contrast and explanation text.
Today I have been doing a slide about a statement,explanation and examples first we had to do a plan we even read this text to get some idea but we weren't allowed to copy we had to do the plan using the 4 force.
Today I have been doing a slide about a statement,explanation and examples first we had to do a plan we even read this text to get some idea but we weren't allowed to copy we had to do the plan using the 4 force.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Mannequin Challenge
Mannequin Challenge
Today we did this hard and kind of easy challenge it was fun.everyone was having fun we did it as a hole class.
Today we did this hard and kind of easy challenge it was fun.everyone was having fun we did it as a hole class.
Ls1 Favorite shoes
Today I have been making a chart of how many people like Nike's and other shoes Nike's got the most.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Compare and Contrast
My LI is to understand the purpose of an explanation and to identify structure and language features of an explanation text.
Today I have been working on Compare and Contrast and There are two text a Explanation and Information report.
Today I have been working on Compare and Contrast and There are two text a Explanation and Information report.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
On Halloween There was this person called the candy man he loved eating candy bars he had magic powers He asked random people HOW WOULD YOU REACT IF A CANDY BAR HAD MAGIC POWERS.
One morning he went shopping to buy him lots of candy bars He went to buy a pet to it was a dog.When he was walking home he stop at this bus stop At the back of the bus was heaps of candy bars.
One night on Halloween When the candy man went shopping for food he saw this person but he didn’t know who he was the candy man thought it was someone he knew from candy man.
He went back to his house to put up his Halloween Design outside of his house But he found out who it was It was his friend Lina then he thought she would remember him and she did.But he used his powers to make you a human but it didn't work (THE END)
Today I have been editing my Narrative it was Based on a candy bar who had magic powers.I had to edit my hole story.Ad I even add a picture.What we had to use for are Narrative was 9 things.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
History of our Countries.
Today I have been working with Rachel and Nyjah we had to do History of our Countries.
I think{inference recording sheet}
My LI is To infer information about the events of the text.
Today I have been working with Nyjah me and her have been reading thought this text called the Awarua the taniwha of poriuathen we had to write which page we got the information from.
Today I have been working with Nyjah me and her have been reading thought this text called the Awarua the taniwha of poriuathen we had to write which page we got the information from.
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Free Rice

Friday, 28 October 2016
Blog commenting
Today I have been doing my blog commenting at home I have blog comment on 5 people blog I have also been writing good and nice comments.
blog commenting
10 time tables

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